866-734-9251 oav@vaopticians.org


The purpose of the Opticians Association of Virginia is to advance the skillful practice of Opticianry for the safety and welfare of the people of Virginia, by representing, educating and serving all Opticians.


The OAV will be the public’s expert and educator on vision and vision issues. We will be recognized with respect by Virginia lawmakers and provide our members voice, serving as the optical clearinghouse and network for Virginia opticians, as well as fostering collaboration with other Virginia ophthalmic practitioners.

Board of Directors

The Board of the OAV is a group of volunteer professionals who give their time and expertise to serve the needs of opticians throughout the state.  They work throughout the year creating opportunities for members to further their knowledge and skills to professionally serve all Virginians.

2021-2023 Board of Directors

President Leah Exline
1st Vice President  Jeremy Clamon
2nd Vice President Matthew Handy
Secretary Brittany Delgado
Treasurer Amanda Meland
Capital Directors Emily Flores and Cameo Williams
Central Director Kelly Mohr 
Northern Directors Steve Overall  
Tidewater Director Eric Meland
Southwest Director Open
Student Director Open
Immediate Past President Darla All 
Executive Director



The Bylaws of the Opticians Association of Virginia, Inc. establishes a set of rules by which the Association is governed as a not-for-profit organization.

 Purpose of Bylaws

  • Establish a Board of Directors.
  • Establish how the Board of Directors is elected by membership.
  • Define the classes of membership and voting privileges
  • Define the officers of the OAV and their duties
  • Establish different types of meetings and their purpose
  • Establish procedures for succession, removal and dissolution
  • Establish the extent of liability to officers and the Board of Directors
  • Establish rules for committee structure
  • Establish other matters of governance relevant to state and federal laws

The Bylaws of the OAV may be amended from time to time as deemed necessary by a vote of the Board of Directors.




Opticians Association of Virginia Bylaws (pdf)




Contact Us

Opticians Association of Virginia
PO Box 1130 Richmond, Virginia 23218

Phone: 866-734-9251
Email: oav@vaopticians.org

Find us on Facebook: OAV

Join OAV

Active Membership in OAV is open to Licensed Opticians, Optical Students and anyone with an interest in Opticianry in Virginia.